accounting articles

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Accounting South Africa

By |2023-05-15T00:40:23+02:00February 23rd, 2021|Categories: news|Tags: , |

Accounting, while some may find it boring, can be said to be one of the most important functions of running a company. When accounting is performed ethically and professionally, a clear financial picture of the business is presented, which keeps investors satisfied and allows the company’s management team to ensure the business is profitable and running smoothly. Several different disciplines fall under the heading of “accounting”. Bookkeeping is the most well known and fundamental of these. Bookkeepers keep track of all finances that a business handles, including every cent that a business collects or pays out and the company’s worth in [...]

Why You Need An Accountant

By |2021-11-25T19:26:18+02:00February 21st, 2021|Categories: news|Tags: |

Accountants provide you with much more services than mere bookkeeping services. In fact, these services will also provide you with inter operations of budgeting, financials, business financing and planning and other services. The industry of accounting services is actually a wide and varied field. Companies have long ago recognised the power and effectiveness of marketing in creating a sustainable and healthy business. The services of skilled and experienced accountants will help a company in exactly the same way. Good marketing services will lead to better and increased sales, and accounting services will help you to reduce the expenses of the company [...]

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